One Year After Surgey

One year today I had Bi-lateral quadricep surgery…. What a journey & still on going…

When reading the epic ski forum it is discussed how long recovery will take … It’s impossible to know everyone is individual, all I know is my left leg feels great no problems my right however has problems with VMO muscle & may require further surgery I’m waiting to see specialist

Prior to surgery I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, I was assured that there was no connection with my quad tendons rupture

I am struggling to understand why it happened for no apparent reason I wasn’t doing anything strenuous at time of rupture

I train now quads & legs at least 5 times per week either static bike or walking I do approx 7-8 hours per week as I am at work as well construction manager, but as I’ve said previously my right leg never feels the same

all you fellow quadders it is a battle, but I’m now walking without a stick & no limp, it’s just stairs & slopes! up is okay down still very careful walk down sideways like a crab on the stairs

Good luck to all of you

All the best

The Quadman